Maemikake II

As the groups pass through the docks, Eiko makes astute observations about the Iron Turtle ships, backed up with knowledge from Hajime and Minoru that they picked up on their travels. Yuzume, still feeling the alcohol, points out that boats can float. Combined, they discover that these ships were not designed for the waterways near the Wall – they have no jade inlay, and so must have a duty outside of the Crab’s ancestral one. They’re interrupted by Hida Kunohide, who seems to be trying to push his way through the crowd to them, but he’s blocked by an elderly woman, Chuchay, wielding two tetsubos, who winks at them as she holds him off.

The samurai climb the tower that makes up Yasuki Varun’s office, and observe the large fleet that the Crab have at the lake one more time, pondering the Crab’s designs on the lands across the lake, stewarded by the Unicorn. After introductions and gift-giving, they get down to business: to Hajime and Yuzume’s extreme distaste, Minoru and Eiko begin discussing the possibility of trading the opium from Split Rock, in exchange for the Crab’s help rebuilding Hirosaka. Varun is skeptical, and reminds them that he has no Imperial permission to store and transport opium, so giving it to him is useless, as he would legally have to destroy it.

Eiko brings up the possibility of getting this permission as part of the deal, and Varun is more amenable, but points out that the permission can’t be given while Satsume is dead and his position remains empty. Eiko leaves this as a future possibility to see if they can get anything out of the Crab for Hirosaka first, and Minoru requests that the Crab send some forces to protect the opium. Varun counters by saying he would want permits for the Yasuki to trade the opium from this deal across the Empire. Using Cadence, Eiko implies that this could be a future possibility, which Varun agrees to. While she can’t figure out what was said, not understanding Crane fan language, Yuzume realizes something has passed between them, and becomes suspicious of Eiko’s motives and how his actions may affect the Scorpion’s stranglehold on the trade.

Varun turns the conversation to what Maemikake can do for Hirosaka, saying he can send unskilled laborers to them, but that he needs raw materials in return – in particular, wood for ships, which is currently being supplied by the Falcon Clan. Eiko points out that there’s land in Hirosaka that could be used to supply these resources, and Minoru accepts this as an option. The other side of the lake, in Unicorn lands, could supply these materials, and Varun clearly has his eyes on this land anyway. Eiko subtly promises that this deal will go down, and Yuzume leaves the room after giving him an angry and disappointed glare.

When the meeting is finished, Minoru and Hajime visit the local dojo to get information about Hiruma Peschay, Yuzume following along quietly as she contemplates the events of the day. They are met by yet another old woman, Suri, who warns them not to worry too much about Peschay, as she’s confident he won’t get caught, and perhaps wants to stay away. She gives a description of Peschay, and hints at a creature in the nearby forest that frightened him in the past, but will give no more details, and hands Minoru a box of treats to help tempt the boy out of the swamps. When they leave, Minoru complains lightly that Hajime let him get outmaneuvered by an old woman, and they joke on their way back, while Yuzume follows along, glad that someone is having a go at Minoru after what transpired with Yasuki Varun.

Before they get ready to leave, the group meets up at a food cart, where Hajime regales Eiko with tales of how well Minoru handled that old woman, even though everyone is aware that it’s bullshit.


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