84: Caldera V

CW: food, food crimes, violence, skeletons, fire

Trapped with a ghost, an alien hive-mind and an odd skeleton in a hydrogen refinery, our heroes must make their escape from the Moon.


Revolution By whatfunk



Line Noise - Magenta Moon (Part II)

Audiorezout - Invasion

Heather Perkins - Waiting Becomes Not Waiting

Kirk Osamayo - Something's Not Right Here

Kathrin Klimek - Cosmic Flip

Doppelter Tropfen - Vespid

whatfunk - Sophisticated Discussion with the Boys

whatfunk - Relax

Thank you for listening!

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Sentinel Comics RPG is owed by Greater Than Games in collaboration with Critical Hits. Sentinels of the Universe is the intellectual property of Greater Than Games. Labor is entitled to all it creates.

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